A grand goal in deep learning research is to learn representations capable of generalizing across distribution shifts. Disentanglement is one promising direction aimed at aligning a models representations with the underlying factors generating the data (e.g. color or background). Existing disentanglement methods, however, rely on an often unrealistic assumption: that factors are statistically independent. In reality, factors (like object color and shape) are correlated. To address this limitation, we propose a relaxed disentanglement criterion - the Hausdorff Factorized Support (HFS) criterion - that encourages a factorized support, rather than a factorial distribution, by minimizing a Hausdorff distance. This allows for arbitrary distributions of the factors over their support, including correlations between them. We show that the use of HFS consistently facilitates disentanglement and recovery of ground-truth factors across a variety of correlation settings and benchmarks, even under severe training correlations and correlation shifts, with in parts over +60% in relative improvement over existing disentanglement methods. In addition, we find that leveraging HFS for representation learning can even facilitate transfer to downstream tasks such as classification under distribution shifts. We hope our original approach and positive empirical results inspire further progress on the open problem of robust generalization.
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下一个最佳视图计算(NBV)是机器人技术中的长期问题,并包括确定下一个最有用的传感器位置,以有效,准确地重建3D对象或场景。像大多数当前方法一样,我们考虑了深度传感器的NBV预测。基于学习的方法依靠场景的体积表示适合路径规划,但与场景的大小相比,与使用基于表面的表示相比,相比,与场景的大小相比,准确性较低。但是,后者将相机限制为少量姿势。为了获得两种表示的优势,我们表明我们可以通过蒙特卡洛整合在体积表示上最大化表面指标。我们的方法会缩放到大型场景并处理自由相机运动:它需要输入一个任意的大点云,该点由LiDar Systems等深度传感器收集,以及相机姿势以预测NBV。我们在一个由大而复杂的3D场景制成的新型数据集上演示了我们的方法。
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近年来出现的一种意外技术包括使用自我监督学习(SSL)方法培训深网(DN),并在下游任务上使用此网络,但其最后几层已完全删除。这种通常的脱脂技巧实际上对于SSL方法显示竞争性表演至关重要。例如,在成像网分类上,可以以这种方式获得超过30个百分比。这有点令人烦恼,因为人们希望在训练期间SSL标准明确执行不变性的网络层(最后一层)应该是用于下游最佳概括性能的一种。但这似乎并非如此,这项研究阐明了原因。我们将这种技巧称为断头台正则化(GR),实际上是一种普遍适用的正则化形式,也已用于改善转移学习方案中的泛化性能。在这项工作中,通过理论和实验,我们将GR形式化并确定其在SSL方法中成功背后的根本原因。我们的研究表明,这种技巧对于SSL的性能至关重要,原因有两个:(i)确定训练过程中使用的正面对的数据启发不当,和/或(ii)次优选择了该训练的超参数。 SSL损失。
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发现神经网络学到的内容仍然是一个挑战。在自我监督的学习中,分类是用于评估表示是多么常见的最常见任务。但是,只依赖于这样的下游任务可以限制我们对给定输入的表示中保留的信息量的理解。在这项工作中,我们展示了使用条件扩散的生成模型(RCDM)来可视化具有自我监督模型学习的表示。我们进一步展示了这种模型的发电质量如何与最先进的生成模型相符,同时忠于用作调节的代表性。通过使用这个新工具来分析自我监督模型,我们可以在视觉上显示i)SSL(骨干)表示并不是真正不变的,以便他们训练的许多数据增强。 ii)SSL投影仪嵌入出现太不变的任务,如分类。 III)SSL表示对其输入IV的小对抗扰动更稳健),具有可用于图像操作的SSL模型的固有结构。
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纵向形象注册是具有挑战性的,并且由于深学习,尚未受益于主要的性能改善。通过深映像的启发,本文介绍了不同利用的深层架构作为常规,以解决图像登记问题。我们提出了一种称为MIRRBA的特定主题可变形的登记方法,依赖于深的金字塔架构是限制变形场的现有参数模型。 MIRRBA不需要学习数据库,而是仅登记的图像,以便注册一对图像以优化网络参数并提供变形字段并提供变形字段。我们展示了深度架构的正规化力量,并呈现了新的元素,以了解架构在注册的深度学习方法中的作用。因此,要研究网络参数的影响,我们在110个转移乳腺癌全身宠物图像的私有数据集中运行了不同的架构配置,具有大脑,膀胱和转移性病变的手动分割。我们将其与传统的迭代登记方法进行比较和监督基于深度学习的模型。使用检测率和骰子分数评估全局和局部注册准确性,而使用雅加诺的决定因素评估登记现实。此外,我们计算了不同方法以消失的速率缩小消失的病变的能力。 MIRRBA显着改善了监督模型的器官和病变骰子分数。关于消失率,MIRRBA多倍于最佳性能的传统方法SYNCC得分。因此,我们的工作提出了一种替代方法来弥合常规和深度学习的方法之间的性能差距,并展示了深度架构的规律力量。
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我们在非静止线性(AKA低级别)马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)中研究了集中加强学习,即奖励和转换内核都是关于给定特征映射的线性,并且被允许缓慢或突然演变时间。对于此问题设置,我们提出了一种基于加权最小二乘值的乐观模型算法的Opt-WLSVI,其使用指数权重来平滑地忘记过去远远的数据。我们表明我们的算法在每次竞争最佳政策时,实现了由$ \ widetilde {\ mathcal {o}}的上部界限的遗憾(d ^ {5/4} h ^ 2 \ delta ^ {1 / 4} k ^ {3/4})$何地在$ d $是特征空间的尺寸,$ h $是规划地平线,$ k $是剧集的数量和$ \ delta $是一个合适的衡量标准MDP的非固定性。此外,我们指出了在忘记以前作品的非静止线性匪徒环境中忘记策略的技术差距,并提出了修复其遗憾分析。
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We introduce a novel Deep Network architecture that implements the full feature point handling pipeline, that is, detection, orientation estimation, and feature description. While previous works have successfully tackled each one of these problems individually, we show how to learn to do all three in a unified manner while preserving end-to-end differentiability. We then demonstrate that our Deep pipeline outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a number of benchmark datasets, without the need of retraining.
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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Charisma is considered as one's ability to attract and potentially also influence others. Clearly, there can be considerable interest from an artificial intelligence's (AI) perspective to provide it with such skill. Beyond, a plethora of use cases opens up for computational measurement of human charisma, such as for tutoring humans in the acquisition of charisma, mediating human-to-human conversation, or identifying charismatic individuals in big social data. A number of models exist that base charisma on various dimensions, often following the idea that charisma is given if someone could and would help others. Examples include influence (could help) and affability (would help) in scientific studies or power (could help), presence, and warmth (both would help) as a popular concept. Modelling high levels in these dimensions for humanoid robots or virtual agents, seems accomplishable. Beyond, also automatic measurement appears quite feasible with the recent advances in the related fields of Affective Computing and Social Signal Processing. Here, we, thereforem present a blueprint for building machines that can appear charismatic, but also analyse the charisma of others. To this end, we first provide the psychological perspective including different models of charisma and behavioural cues of it. We then switch to conversational charisma in spoken language as an exemplary modality that is essential for human-human and human-computer conversations. The computational perspective then deals with the recognition and generation of charismatic behaviour by AI. This includes an overview of the state of play in the field and the aforementioned blueprint. We then name exemplary use cases of computational charismatic skills before switching to ethical aspects and concluding this overview and perspective on building charisma-enabled AI.
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There are two important things in science: (A) Finding answers to given questions, and (B) Coming up with good questions. Our artificial scientists not only learn to answer given questions, but also continually invent new questions, by proposing hypotheses to be verified or falsified through potentially complex and time-consuming experiments, including thought experiments akin to those of mathematicians. While an artificial scientist expands its knowledge, it remains biased towards the simplest, least costly experiments that still have surprising outcomes, until they become boring. We present an empirical analysis of the automatic generation of interesting experiments. In the first setting, we investigate self-invented experiments in a reinforcement-providing environment and show that they lead to effective exploration. In the second setting, pure thought experiments are implemented as the weights of recurrent neural networks generated by a neural experiment generator. Initially interesting thought experiments may become boring over time.
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